Pet Emergency
Our staff at Arden Shoreview Animal Hospital understand that medical emergencies for a beloved pet can happen at any time. During our regular business hours, our medical staff and resources are available to help you with any emergency your pet experiences. Please call us at (651) 636-2883 in advance so we can prepare for your arrival. If an emergency occurs after our regular business hours we refer our clients to either the University of Minnesota Veterinary Emergency Center in Saint Paul at 612 625-9711 or Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners in Blaine at 763-754-5000.
We are often asked when to seek emergency services after hours. The easiest answer is when you feel his or her medical condition is serious and cannot wait. However, the following general situations should help you determine if you need to seek emergency care for your pet:
- Difficulty breathing
- Acute abdominal swelling
- Electric shock
- Excessive vomiting or diarrhea
- Bleeding
- Exhibits symptoms of heat stroke
- Seizures
- Sudden onset of weakness
- High or low temperature (more than 104 or less than 100 degrees)
- Inability to urinate or defecate
When you do seek emergency services, they will also send us their reports for your records and for any follow-up care that may be needed.
Safety tips:
Pets who are severely ill or injured may try to bite, claw, or act in an aggressive manner toward those trying to help them. Approach any injured or sick pet slowly and calmly; say their name and see how the animal reacts. Call for help if the pet reacts aggressively.
For dogs, fashion a makeshift stretcher if the animal is unable to move. Make sure the neck is supported.
For cats, slowly place a blanket or towel over the head to prevent biting. Slowly lift the animal into an open-topped carrier or box.
Elevate and apply pressure to any bleeding wound.
If you think your pet has eaten something poisonous:
Call us at 651-636-2883 immediately! If after hours, contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center’s 24-hour hotline at (888) 426-4435. Trained toxicologists will consider the age and health of your pet, what was ingested, and then make a recommendation about what action should be taken. For more information, contact us online!